That special message

Have you ever been anxiously waiting a call

And you hurry to answer the phone ?

When you get a wrong number and

the caller insists

That he’s someone you never have known

You try to be patient but you’re longing

to hear

The message or voice you await……….

This is blocking the line and you’re hoping this call

will finish before it’s too late

There’s a call that is urgently coming our way

A call from our Heavenly King

Lovingly speaking right into our hearts

And seeking His good news to bring !

“ Myself I am offering to meet all your needs –

To comfort, to bless and to guide,

To bring you to Heaven, to share

all My joys

And ever walk close by My side.”

“ O Lord I am listening, Your Voice I have heard;

I’ll accept Your great offer today !

Be my Lord, and my Shepherd,

My Saviour and King,

In Your service for ever to stay ! ”

Kathy Breakell

Published on January 13, 2011 at 6:43 pm  Leave a Comment  

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