
Until He Find It

(Luke Ch.15V.4)

Have you heard of the sheep that went astray,

And the Shepherd that left the fold?

Where the ninety and nine were safe and sound;

It was night, and the thunder rolled.


And the Shepherd set out with with his crook and staff

And many the miles He went,

For His heart was full of the one He loved

As “on, ever on,” His intent.


And the lightening flashed and the storm was great,

And the rain drenched Him through and through:

And the darkenss surrounded Him fearsome and dense

But His purpose was strong and true.


His brow was pierced by the thorns as He passed

And His hands from the rocks He moved,

His feet were cut by the stones in the way

As ever onward He strode.


And He strained His eyes for a sight of the sheep

Or to hear its anguished cry

And the love in His heart caused His side to bleed

As He heard a trembling sigh……


He lifted His sheep from its dreadful state

And close to His loving heart

And the sheep and the Shepherd, and the Shepherd and sheep

KNEW THAT THEY never could part.

by Kathy Breakell

(Copyright 2010)



Published on May 12, 2010 at 5:21 pm  Comments Off on Parables