I submit to Thee

When with my way ahead obscure

I many a lonely mile endure, And shadows dim oppress my way –

I  will trust, and learn to say

What I cannot, thou can’st see !

Jesus, I submit to thee !

Some will say that I should fight,

Raise my weapons day and night,

But I’ll yield my shield and sword,

Bow before Him, own Him Lord !

All my enemies will flee !

If I but submit to thee !

Come thou cold winds from the north,

Or the sweet winds from the south !

Look up to Him, in dark and light,

In morning or the gloomy night.

This is then the golden key !

Jesus I submit to thee !

If dark pages from the past

On my silent spirit blast,

And the sun eclipse’d quite

Chases daylight out of sight;

Thou my trembling weakness see

Jesus I’ll submit to thee !

When wounded sore by words unkind

Piercing both the heart and mind,

Sharp the stones along the way !

Sharp the thorns around me lay !

This my consolation be

Jesus I’ll submit to thee !

Shall I then deny you Lord ?

With many a loud tumultuous word,

And with actions fierce and strong

Fight against the seeming wrong ?

Foes before me stop and flee,

If I but submit to thee !

Should the earthly moulded clay

The great mighty potter stay !

He’s the one eternal Lord,

Rules and conquers with a word,

No – I’ll simply hide in thee,

Jesus I submit to Thee !

He with a word creation brought

Out of darkness, all from naught !

Out of utter seeming loss,

Overcame the dreadful cross;

So my rest secure I see,

Jesus I submit to thee !

When in that great and glorious land

All Kingdoms high and low shall stand,

Bow before Him, bend the knee,

Acknowledge His authority !

Jesus we submit to thee !

Jesus Lord, to Thee, to thee !

Kathy Breakell


Published on January 14, 2011 at 7:22 pm  Leave a Comment  

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