Battle lines



In days of old a king went out and planned his battle lines,

Some men he placed up well in front

And some were put behind;

While in between, to right and left,

And filling up the space,

They knew the battle must be won

So each must keep his place.

Not one must move, but watch and wait,

To hear that one command;

With every muscle poised, they stood

To meet the great demand.

We too are in a battle sore

Waged for the King of kings;

We must stay where He’s placed us,

Till He victory brings

Not try to change our place with those

That He has put near by,

But resolutely not to move and win the well fought day!

So maybe you are not content with what you have to do,

Be well assured, God placed you there.

And He will see you through,

Though right and left men faint and fall

God’s battle will be won;

With everlasting shouts of praise


“ We’ll conquer through








Kathy Breakell


Published on January 15, 2011 at 11:03 am  Leave a Comment  

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