A wedding in Cana

When Jesus was called to a wedding,

The servants amazed and aghast

As they watched Him make wine out of water


He’d left the best wine to the last.

They had run out of wine at that wedding,

A dreadful event at a feast!

But the need was provided by Jesus;

He always gives “MOST” for our “least”

All the things you enjoyed once, have left you,

“O, where will it end?” you may ask;

Don’t be scared at your dwindling resources –

He leaves His best wine to the last.

Life seems to be fading and failing.

And you feel all your best days are past;

Don’t give up! Just keep looking at Jesus,

For He saves all his best to the last.

“So I’ve come to the end,” you are thinking,

“And everything’s hopeless and lost.”

Remember the Wedding in Cana,

Where He saved the best wine to the last!

Kathy Breakell

Published on January 14, 2011 at 6:47 pm  Leave a Comment  

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