The blossom that flourished in winter

The blossom that flourished in Winter

When all round it was dark , cold and drear

And the heart feels so downcast and weary

Then it rises with newfound cheer .

Often our outlook is dreary

And the sight of the blossom so bright –

Lifts us up nearer to Heaven

Just as sunrise follows the night .

There’s a blossom fragrant and holy

It breaks on this world’s dark sight :

Streaming to us from the Father ,

The Goodness and one true Light .

He can fill all our lives with His gladness

And turn our hearts upward to God :

And blossoms will spring in our footprints

And leave SUNSHINE behind

Where we trod !

Kathy Breakell

Published on January 16, 2011 at 12:50 pm  Leave a Comment  

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