A new start

Oh why can’t I get away from it all?

Sounds familiar? It’s often the way!

When everything seems to be

Getting us down,

And gets worse for us day after day.

Why won’t things change, and go

right for a while

We’re tired, and feel so perplexed

Our jobs, or our health, our house

Or our car,

We dread to think what’s coming next.

Keep travelling on, God’s over there

With an answer: just don’t give up yet!

He’s so good at resolving each problem

And care

He’s the greatest provider you’ve met.

And that isn’t all – when earth’s

Journey is done.

He’ll invite you to come up above

To live where He lives, and enjoy

All His gifts

His welcome, His peace, and

His Love!

Kathy Breakell

Published on January 15, 2011 at 10:51 am  Leave a Comment  

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